Monday, March 14, 2011

Cake for Sweetheart

Salam and Hi!

This order is from Datin Hajah Safiah (SUK Johor's wife). Order for Dato's bday. Datin asked me to write 'Happy Bday Sweetheart' and 58th. Soo sweeeett.. =) Hope Datin and family enjoy the cake!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cookies Everywhere!!

Salam and Hi!

Here's some latest order of cookies..

Terlambat Upload

Salam and hi!

Terlupe n terlambat upload Fancy Cookies for Valentine's promo last month..huhu.. Here it is!

Hantaran for Tinie's engagement

Salam and hi!

Lately agak bz smpai tak sempat nak upload latest order. Here's order dari Tinie for her engagement. Thanks TNIE!